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EP06: The Mandela Effect!


Lothens TOPIC: The Mandela Effect!

Lothens TOPIC: The Mandela Effect!

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The Mandela Effect
Have you ever had a situation where you see something, or hear something like a song lyric or a line from a movie you heard or saw in the past, and it doesn't quite sound right? Something's off but you're not exactly sure what it is, and then BOOM! It hits you - this isn't what you remember at all, and more than that - you're CERTAIN that it wasn't this way before. So what do you do? You go and you look and try to find examples of whatever it is from the distant past, and come to find out that in fact, it's ALWAYS been this strange way, and what you remember is clearly incorrect - but you're so certain you'd stake everything on it...that's the Mandela Effect. The Mandela Effect is a phenomenon where a group of people remember an event or detail differently than it actually occurred. The term was coined by blogger Fiona Broome in 2010, after she and others remembered Nelson Mandela dying in prison in the 1980s, even though he was released in 1990 and died in 2013.
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1. Star Wars: "Luke, I am your father!" vs "No! I am your father!" - I remember it clearly as "LUKE" and have quoted it endlessly as "LUKE", and didn't believe someone when they told me my quote was incorrect - until I rewatched the movie, and heard it myself as "NO".
2. Looney Toons vs Looney Tunes - this is MY SHIT right here, and I CLEARLY KNOW that it was spelled Looney TOONS, because as a kid I reconized it was misspelled but also understood that it was misspelled ON PURPOSE to be silly, just like the cartoon characters I loved watching. Apparently it was always TUNES, but I to this day don't believe that to be the case.
3. "Mirror Mirror on the Wall" vs "Magic Mirror on the Wall" - obviously, it's "MIRROR MIRROR" there's no question in my mind at all, I can hear her say it - but even if you get an original VHS tape of Snow White and watch it, the evil stepmother will say "MAGIC MIRROR".
4. Our solar system along with the accompanying star system is no longer on the carina-sagitarius arm on the outskirts of the galaxy but on the opposite side, eighty thousand light years away, on orion’s spur, much closer to the galactic centre. -
5. Forrest Gump - "Life is like a box of chocolates" vs "Life was like a box of chocolates" - it's "WAS" like now, but I do recall it being "IS" like, but this one I'm not entirely certain of. The list goes on and on, so what's going on here?! Timeline overlap? Schroedinger's equation gone haywire? Have some people been merged into this timeline with memories from another timeline? Glitch in the matrix? Time travelers messing with the timeline? CERN turned on years back and blammo it smashed two timelines together?

Filetype: MP3 - Size: 149 MB - Duration: 1:02:10m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)

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